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Financial Inclusion Has Improved in Sub-Saharan Africa But Challenges Remain

More Work Still Must Be Done

Overall though, sub-Saharan African countries still have much more room for improvement with their financial services. There are considerable differences between their level of financial development and that of other regions with similar characteristics. The more pathways to financial services created, the more the economic standing of both individuals and national governments will improve. Therefore, improving the financial inclusion ratio throughout these countries' populations is vital to their financial health.

How Can Policymakers Help Sub-Saharan Countries Reach Their Potential?

The progress that the region has made financially has been in large part due to the implementation of more sound macroeconomic principles. Sub-Saharan financial institutions and governments, however, have been inadequate at best and obstructive at worst when it comes to applying proper oversight and regulations. Mobile banking, which could be subject to fraud if left unprotected, should also be monitored effectively so that the emerging system not crumble on account of distrust and a lack of security. When transactions can be conducted smoothly yet safely and people can more confidently save money or take out a loan to start a business, the region's economy will move forward and everyone will reap the benefits.

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